Product Care - Copper Cookware

To clean your new copper cookware setĀ itā€™s easier than you might think.

Amoretti Brothers copper cookware pieces are made withĀ solid recycled copperĀ and tin lined interiors for a conductive cooking surface.

Copper tends to oxidize over time, forming a bluish layer called a patina.Ā With a little care, you can keep your copper cookware pots and pans in near brand new condition.

For the exteriorĀ copper layer, use a copper polish to clear the surface of tarnishing and white spots. While a common natural alternative is to clean copper cookware with lemon juice and salt (fillaĀ  bowl with salt and thenĀ squeezeĀ lemons, mix everything , add on the cookware and using a cotton cloth clean your cookware. After thatwash using fresh tap water), toĀ ensure your safety and the longevity of your copper cookware,Ā it is prefered toĀ use professionally tested copper cleaners and then wash under frash tap water to restore the original shining.

AsĀ for the tin interior, simply wash it with warm, soapy water and a soft sponge or cloth. Scrub gently but vigorously in order to remove stains and food residue.

Do not use abrasive cleaning tools and corrosive chemicals on your copper cookware pans and pots in order to keep them from degrading.

Never heat an empty tin-lined copper cookware pan or pot, allow water to completely evaporate until dry, or add salt to your cookware if the water has not yet boiled.

The tin lining of copper cookware begins to wear out after several years of usage. This is easily remedied by having the copper pan or pot re-tinned.Ā Please contact a professional to re-tin your cookware to ensure proper results.Ā For more information on re-tinning and our copper cookware sale, please contact us atĀ



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