Sustainability means beautiful: 5 words that describes it.

We are confident that caring for the environment is the most practical and urgent form of love.
You know us, we are all about creating great, useful copper kitchenware while we’re thinking about how our work can help out our community and planet.
And yes, we also struggle from time to time to make the right decision. Going the fastest, the easiest, the cheapest way is a constant temptation, in life and in business. We find extremely handy to avoid taking a wrong turn to keep what’s truly important always present. Call it a mindset or organizational values, there are a few words that just by reminding them helps us keep ourselves in track:
It’s all about balance. Why would we disrupt our land when we can live together?
Turns out, going green is not expensive at all. Experimenting with different all-natural supplies and power sources improves our production and pikes our creativity: we became fans of the constant research to do better and better.
Our people, our planet. We are all in this together. People need to live and be happy. All of our workforce lives in the same community, within walking distance form our workshop. Therefore, we all spend less time (and pollute much less while we’re at it) in transit, and get to spend more time with our families. We are grateful to have such talented hands and minds, a great group of people giving us the gift of their time and effort. As a brand, we must do best to reciprocate!
Making real connections is our deal. Inside and out. Just remembering day by day that we are all humans and as such, we can find the best solution to a problem sets de right tone for our decision process.
Remember when Haddaway asked back in the 90’s, what is love (baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more)? Well, love is making sure everyone, present and future, can enjoy the beauty of Earth the same way we did.
In Amoretti Brothers, we found a way to make beautiful products in a sustainable enterprise. All of our kitchenware is handmade with recycled copper, and we use only compostable and biodegradable materials, among a lot more other actions we take on daily basis to steadily claim our green badge. Non the less, the real beauty lies in the thought of putting relevance and a big amount of love for what you do and with who you are doing it with.